Why Does A Restoration Company Charge For Emergency Services Separately From Non-Emergency Services?

Stacy Cook General

Water Damage Restoration Companies should separate their Emergency Mitigation and Water Mitigation invoices even when their insurance company policy has a $3,000.00 Emergency Mitigation limit for a few reasons:

  1. Compliance: By separating the invoices, the Water Damage Restoration Company can comply with the insurance company policy’s requirements and avoid any potential issues with claims or payment.
  2. Accurate Billing: Separating invoices allows for accurate billing, ensuring that the Emergency Mitigation items remain within the limit of $3,000.00, and the Water Mitigation items are billed separately. If non-emergency Mitigation items are paid in the wrong part of the policy, it can cause homeowners to have out-of-pocket expenses to the Restoration Company.
  3. Transparency: Maintaining separate invoices enhances transparency between the Restoration Company, the insurance company, and the homeowner, ensuring that everyone is on the same page about the work done and the associated costs.
  4. Legal Matters: By separating the invoices, the Restoration Company can also provide comprehensive documentation of the work done during the emergency and non-emergency mitigation processes. This documentation can prove beneficial in legal matters, should any arise.

Overall, separating invoices is crucial for proper billing, compliance, transparency, and effective documentation. It prevents any potential overbilling or underbilling and ensures that the Restoration Company adheres to the insurance company’s policies and procedures.